Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Beginning

Hi! My name is Victoria Finkenstadt. I am a chemist currently conducting research in material science in a national laboratory. I am a volunteer with the American Chemical Society's Speaker Service. I am about to begin a lecture circuit in the desert southwest. "Ethanol: Food or Fuel" is my most popular talk, and it is designed for a "science cafe" format.

The schedule:
September 14 - Reno NV
September 15 - Santa Ana, CA
September 16 - Las Vegas, NV
September 17 - Tucson, AZ
September 18 - Albuquerque, NM

I'll be posting pictures & narratives of my journey through the desert southwest.


  1. trying to post a picture as a comment... won't let me. :(
    What's the biggest pro and con for ethanol?

  2. Pro: it's driving technology for renewable energy systems

    Con: it'll never fully replace our fuel needs because it's pretty energy intensive process to produce
