Friday, September 18, 2009

the west is big

The drive from Vegas to Tucson as loooonng! I stopped at the Hoover Dam and in PHX for lunch with the sister.

Sitting in the beautiful morning with Sister Patty (from Phoenix) at a coffee store near the University. Oatmeal, chorizo and coffee.

Last night was fabulous with the acs folks from Tucson. The audience was engaged and the discussions went very well. This presentation, ethanol: food or fuel, is always different. One gentleman, Tom, really helped out as he had good questions and he was able to provide information that I didn't know regarding the BTUs of conversion for ethanol and gasoline. We talk alot about a "gallon for gallon" replacement but in energy terms, etoh is 12K and gasoline is 24K....

I'm off to ABQ - another looooong drive.

1 comment:

  1. Hoover Dam is pretty impressive! Did you go on a tour? Sick of driving yet?
